The following are functions that deal with esProc associative operations.
Add one or more fields to a table sequence/record sequence |
Perform equi-grouping according to one or more fields or expressions |
Group a sequence and then perform aggregate operations |
Perform row-to-column/column-to-row transposition on member sequences of a sequence |
Generate a sequence based on a multilayer dimension cell in a data-input sheet |
Group a table sequence and then get the aggregating result cumulatively |
Perform merging and sorting, then the distinct operation on a sequence, and return the result of distinct |
Merge multiple table sequences/record sequences |
Generate a record according to the specified field name and field value |
Perform computations on a sequence and generate a new table sequence |
Compute each member of a sequence according to the specified condition to generate multiple records and concatenate them into a new table sequence |
Perform row-to-column transposition for a sequence |
Create association between multiple table sequences/record sequences through the join key |
Judge which enumeration group of a record sequence a field value or an expression belongs to, and return the sequence number(s) of the group(s) satisfying the grouping criterion |
Align records of a record sequence to another sequence |
Perform alignment grouping for a record sequence |
Generate a table sequence according to a record sequence |
Ø P.enum() |
Generate a new record sequence by performing enumeration grouping on a record sequence according to another record sequence of conditional expressions |
Perform foreign-key-style association on a table sequence/record sequence |
Perform row-to-column/column-to-row transposition on multiple columns of a table sequence |
Ø P.join() |
A foreign-key-style join between table sequences/record sequences, or a table sequence and a record sequence |
Switch the values of the reference field between the corresponding primary key values and the referenced records, or, sometimes switch between them in a reverse direction |
Find records in a recursive way where the foreign key values reference a specified record |
Ø j() |
Join multiple sequences according to positions and return a pure table sequence |
Ø join() |
Join multiple sequences together |
Ø r.derive() |
Add fields to a record |
Among the records, query fields referred by the foreign key recursively |
Ø xjoin() |
Perform a cross join on multiple sequences |
Expand the referencing field(s) through multilevel of recursion |