esProc offers string functions that handle string values.
Convert a sequence into a string. |
Match each member of a string sequence with a regular expression |
Concatenate members of a sequence with the delimiter and return result as a string |
Retrieve contents from a string as records and return them as a table sequence |
Ø aes() |
Perform AES symmetric encryption |
Ø asc() |
Obtain the Unicode value of a character at the specified position in a string |
Ø base64() |
Base64-encode the given data |
Ø blob() |
Convert a blob object into an integer sequence, or vice versa |
Return an Excel cell name according to specific row and column |
Ø char() |
Get corresponding characters according to the given Unicode or ASCII code |
Generate the binary value of a string according to the character set the latter uses, or vice versa |
Ø chn() |
Write a number with the Chinese numerals |
Ø concat() |
Concatenate parameters into a string |
Use a delimiter to concatenate values of an aggregation field |
Ø des() |
Perform DES symmetric encryption |
Ø desede() |
Perform 3DES symmetric encryption |
Ø fill() |
Concatenate multiple strings to create a new string |
Ø format() |
Generate a formatted string in Java |
Get text data under a specified tag in an html file |
Ø json() |
Parse a string, a record, a sequence or a table sequence in JSON format |
Check if a string is composed of letters |
Check if a string is composed of numbers |
Check if a string is composed of lower-case letters |
Check if a string is composed of upper-case letters |
Ø left() |
Get a substring starting from the leftmost side of a source string |
Ø len() |
Compute the length of a string |
Ø like() |
Find if a string matches the format string |
Ø lower() |
Convert all characters of a string to lower case |
Ø md5() |
Return a string’s MD5 signature |
Ø mid() |
Get a substring of a string |
Ø number() |
Convert a string to the corresponding real number |
Ø pad() |
Pad a string to a certain length by adding another string on the left |
Ø parse() |
Parse a string into the corresponding data type |
Ø pos() |
Get the position of a substring in its parent string |
Ø rands() |
Get a random string |
Replace a specified substring of a source string |
Replace a substring at the specified position in a source string |
Ø right() |
Get the substring starting from the rightmost side of a source string |
Ø rsa() |
Perform RSA asymmetric encryption |
Match a string with a regular expression |
Ø |
Get multiple substrings from a string to form a new string |
Split a string into a sequence by the delimiter |
Extract the English words from a string |
Split a SQL query into a sequence |
Translate standard SQL functions into functions a specified database defines |
Ø substr() |
Find a substring and return the string after the substring |
Ø string() |
Convert the data type of an object to the string data type |
Ø trim() |
Remove the blank characters on both ends of a string |
Ø upper() |
Convert all characters in a string to upper case |
Ø xml() |
Parse a string/a table sequence in the XML format |
Read property values from node strings |