Present the prediction result.
ym2_result(preObj) |
Display the prediction result |
ym2_result@s(mcfObj, varname) |
Return result of aggregation on a certain field of the mcf object |
External library function (See YModel User Reference).
The function presents the prediction result and returns a table sequence.
preObj |
Prediction result object / pcf object |
mcfObj |
mcf object |
varname |
Field name |
@p |
Return model performance information |
@r |
Return model display information |
@i |
Return the degree of importance |
@s |
Return information of aggregation on a field |
@j |
Return a JSON string; the option works with another option, such as @ij, but it does not work with @s option |
Return value:
Table sequence
A |
1 |
=ym2_env("F:/ymodel") |
Initialize environment. |
2 |
=ym2_mcfload("F:/tmp/train.mcf") |
Return an mcf object. |
3 |
=ym2_pcfload("F:/tmp/train.pcf") |
Return a pcf object. |
4 |
=ym2_predict(A3,"F:/tmp/train.csv") |
Perform data prediction. |
5 |
=ym2_result(A4) |
Use the prediction result object to present the prediction result. |
6 |
=ym2_result@p(A3) |
Use a pcf object to present model performance. |
7 |
=ym2_result@s(A2,"Age") |
Return information of aggregation on Age field in the mcf object. |
8 |
=ym2_result@ij(A4) |
Return the prediction result’s degree of importance as a JSON string. |
9 |
>ym2_close(A4) |
Release resources. |