Installation and Basic Uses

esProc is a programming tool for data manipulation. It can execute various types of data analysis and structured data computing tasks, as well as access the database freely to perform online data analysis.

1.1.1 Installation

You can download esProc installation package on the following official website: Then install esProc according to instructions below step by step:

1)  Run the setup program

2)  Click Next to continue, accept the License Agreement

3)  Select the installation path, click Install

4)  Click Finish to complete the installation

If you are familiar with Java runtime environment configuration and have already installed JDK1.8 or any of the above versions on local machine, you can choose the esProc installation package that will not automatically install the JDK but will prompt you to enter the local directory where the JDK is installed.

1.1.2 Basic Uses

Run esProc main program to open the esProc software, click on the icon to  create a cellset file.





The left part is the Cellset section, where the cellset of code you are working with is shown. On the upper area of the right part there is the Value view section and on the lower area there is the Related information section, in which the System information section shows the system output. The System information section, the Value view sectionand the Related information section are collapsible and expandable.

In esProc, if a cell has a value, then its name can be used in a calculation cell or an executable cell to reference the cell value. A cell possessing a value can be a constant cell, a calculation cell or a cell that gets assigned by the executable cell. The name of a cell includes the letter representing the column in which the cell is located and the integer – the serial number of the row it resides. In the above cellset, the expression in cell A2 calls the value of cell A1. The following is another example:


Different from Excel, in esProc the letter in the cell name must be capital.

esProc provides a rich variety of functions to handle different kinds of data computing tasks. For example:






=if(A1>=80, "Heavyweight", "Others")


=if(A1>=80:"Heavyweight", A1>=68:"Middleweight", A1>=58:"Lightweight";"Flyweight")

Click A2 an A3 respectively to view their values in the value view section:


esProc also has an auxiliary functionality of function editing to make code-writing in cells easier. During editing the expression in a cell, press Alt+↓to open or close this auxiliary functionality. On the interface of the auxiliary functionality of function editing, you can see the corresponding function syntax, function description and other information:

Data in the value viewing area refreshes itself when a different cell is selected. In the upper right corner of this section, click  to enable “Display focal cell value”. By clicking the icon, the current focal cell value will be always displayed in the value viewing area – even if another cell is selected – unless the setup is disabled.

We can control data display and viewing in the value viewing section. Right-click the title row and the following menu pops up:

Select “Copy column names” to copy column names in the currently displayed title row. When the selected cell contains a single value, “Value” is displayed in the title row; and column names are displayed in the title row when value of the selected cell is a table.

Select “View long text” to display long text data in the special long text viewing window when a string value is too long to be wholly displayed in a cell.

Select “Zoom to” to control the zoom ratio of the value viewing area:

Here is the effect after the zoom ratio of 150% is selected:

We can set different zoom ratio for different cell values. For example, set a smaller zoom ratio when a cell value contains a lot of data.

1.1.3 Installation and Operation under Linux

You can choose to skip this section if you are not a professional programmer. This won’t affect your learning about the other contents of this Tutorial.

esProc offers installation through a bin file in a Linux environment.

First install JDK (1.8 version or above) under the Linux system. Then download esProc installation file for Linux ( from Raqsoft official website and decompress it into any directory to get the bin file esProc-install.bin:


Look up BeforeRunning.txt for the installation directions.

Grant execution privilege to each .sh file under the /bin directory. Then execute ./ under /esProc/bin directory to launch the esProc IDE.

Under Linux, you can’t open Help documents directly from the IDE’s menu. You need to install tools that support viewing CHM files (like xCHM), and then open them from the installation directory: