Reset CTX Table

Read(786) Label: reset, compress, row-wise,

The item lets you rearranges a composite table to generate a new composite table file.

Click CTX -> Reset to enter the following window:


Is zipped file: Set whether to use a data compression technique to store the composite table.

Store by row: Set whether to store data row-wise. Default is use column-wise storage.

Quick reset: Set whether to reset the composite table quickly.

Split the ctx table to multiple zone tables: Set whether to split the current composite table into multiple zone tables.

Zone Table File Name: Set zone table file name, which consists of zone table number and zone table name, like “ table name.ctx”.

Zone Table Expression: Edit a zone table expression.

Number of Zone Tables: Specify the number of zone tables you want to divide the composite table into.


Edit a zone table expression to split the current composite table into multiple zone tables:


Click Execute to get the following zone tables: