Edit Data

Read(872) Label: edit,

This section illustrates how to modify source data, and how to copy, past, insert, delete, shift up/down data.

In the data preparation phase, data file/table has been open in Data File Tool. Now it’s time to edit it.

Select Fields

Click Calculate -> Select Fields, or click the “Select Fields” button on the toolbar to select certain fields of the original table and perform an operation on them. For example:

Sequence/Integer: Optional. Suppose the content to-be-entered is parameter X, which can be a sequence or an integer, then in the selected fields expression we can use “~” to reference X. When it is an integer, it can be understood as to(X), which means performing X round of computations on the result set.

Click “OK” to display the selected fields.



Add Computed Column


Click Calculate -> Add Computed Column, or click “Computed Column” button  on the Toolbar to open the following Add Computed Column window

Use parallel processing: Use parallel processing to enhance performance of data-intensive complex computations. The order of parallel computations is not fixed.

Do not generate a record if expression result is null: Do not generate the field for the current record if the result of computing the expression is null.

Click OK to display the newly-added field:

Click  to add a computed field whose values are results of an expression made up of one or more fields.

Click Calculate -> Add Computed Column, or click button  on the Tool Bar to open the following Add Computed Column window:


Use parallel processing: Use parallel processing to enhance performance of data-intensive complex computations. The order of parallel computations is not fixed.

Do not generate a record if expression result is null: Do not generate the field for the current record if the result of computing the expression is null.

Click OK to display the newly-added field:

Create Alias

When you need to open a table repeatedly, click Edit -> Create Alias to give the table an alternative name. The name is temporary only for the convenience of table checking, and won’t be stored permanently.


Rename Field

Select a field or a cell, right-click to select Rename feld to change field name.

Insert Row

The item is used for insert a row above the currently selected row or cell.

Select a row or any cell in a row, click Edit -> Insert Row or right-click to select Insert Row, or use the hotkey Ctrl+Enter to insert a row before the current position. In the following figure, we select the second row:


Insert Column

The item is used for insert a column to the left of the currently selected column or cell.

Select a column or any cell in a column, click Edit -> Insert Column or right-click to select Insert Column, or use the hotkey Alt+Enter to insert a column before the current position. In the following figure, we select the first column:


Append Row

The item is used for insert a row after the last row.

Click Edit -> Append Row or right-click to select Append Row, or use the hotkey Alt+Enter to insert a row below the current position. In the following figure, we select the first row:


Append Column

The item is used for insert a column after the last column.

Click Edit -> Append Column or right-click to select Append Column, or use the hotkey Alt+Enter to insert a column at the end. In the following figure, we select the second column:


Delete Row

The item is used for deleting a selected row or a row holding a selected cell.

Select a row and click Edit -> Delete Row or right-click to select Delete Row or use the hotkey Shift+Delete to delete the selected row. In the following figure, we select the second row:


Delete Column

The item is used for deleting a selected column or a column holding a selected cell.

Select a column and click Edit -> Delete Column or right-click to select Delete Column or use the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+Delete to delete the selected column. In the following figure, we select the second column:


Shift Row

The item is used for move a selected row or a row holding a selected cell up or down.

Select a row or any cell in a row, and click Edit -> Shift Row Up/Shift Row Down or press hotkey Alt+Up/Alt+Down to move the selected row up or down. In the following figure, we select the second row:

Shift Row UP:

Shift Row Down:


Shift Column

The item is used for move a selected column or a column holding a selected cell to the left or to the right.

Select a column or any cell in a column, and click Edit -> Shift Column Left / Shift Column Right or press hotkey Alt+Left/Alt+Right to move the selected column leftward or rightward. In the following figure, we select the second column:

Shift Column Left


Shift Column Right



The item is for copying data in a selected cell, or data in all cells of the selected rows/columns and pasting it to another position.

Select the target data, and click Edit -> Copy or right-click to select Copy or press hotkey Ctrl+C to finish the copy operation.



The item is for cutting off data in a selected cell, or data in all cells of the selected rows/columns and pasting it to another position.

Select the target data, and click Edit -> Cut or right-click to select Cut to finish the cut operation.


The item is for pasting copied or cut data to a specific position.

Specify a position, and click Edit -> Paste or right-click to select Paste or press hotkey Ctrl+V to finish the paste operation.



The item finds specific content in the currently opened document.

Click Edit -> Search to get the following Search and Replace dialog:

Enter the content you want to find in the box after Find what, and among options “Case-sensitive”, “Match whole word”, “Ignore words in quotes” and “Ignore words in parentheses”, select or unselect what you want, and click “Search” to display the first highlighted cell containing the target content.


The item replaces certain content in the currently opened document with other content.

Click Edit -> Replace to get the Find and Replace dialog. Enter the content you want to replace in the box after “Search for” and the content you want to replace with after “Replace with”, and among options “Case sensitive”, “Match whole words”, select or unselect what you want, and click “Replace” to replace the first target or click “Replace all” to replace all targets.


The item is for cancelling the latest action or operation.

Click Edit -> Undo or press hotkey Crtl+Z to cancel the last action you did.



The item is for returning to the status before you perform Undo.

If you need to cancel what Undo does, click Edit -> Redo or press hotkey Ctrl+Y to return to the status before you click Undo.