Add Computed Column

Read(333) Label: computed column,


Click Calculate -> Add Computed Column, or click ~{!0~}Computed Column~{!1~} button  on the Toolbar to open the following Add Computed Column window

Use parallel processing: Use parallel processing to enhance performance of data-intensive complex computations. The order of parallel computations is not fixed.

Do not generate a record if expression result is null: Do not generate the field for the current record if the result of computing the expression is null.

Click OK to display the newly-added field:

Click  to add a computed field whose values are results of an expression made up of one or more fields.

Click Calculate -> Add Computed Column, or click button  on the Tool Bar to open the following Add Computed Column window:


Use parallel processing: Use parallel processing to enhance performance of data-intensive complex computations. The order of parallel computations is not fixed.

Do not generate a record if expression result is null: Do not generate the field for the current record if the result of computing the expression is null.

Click OK to display the newly-added field: