cursor 相关的搜索结果 共有19个


Description: Connect to Albaba Cloud and return result as a cursor. Syntax: ali_open (ali_url,user,password,dbname) Noteconnect to alibaba cloud,cursor


Description: Query data and return result as a cursor or a table sequence. Syntax: ali_query(ali_open, tableName, keyNamquery data,cursor

The Concept of Cursor

The concept of cursor is very important for the database. Cursor enables a more flexible manipulation of data, returningcursor


Description: Attach the action of computing expression to a cursor and return the original cursor. Syntax: cs.(x) Note: cursor,expression


Here’s how to use cursor() function.cursor

Accessing a (multi-zone) composite table

The f. open() function is used to open a composite table saved as a file:   A B 1 =file("D:/file/dw/employees.ctx")   2 composite table,access,create,attach,cursor,icursor,index,joinx


Description: Connect to Amazon DynamoDB. Syntax: dyna_open(dyna_url,region)   dyna_open(dyna_url,region) Access local Dyconnect,dynamodb,cursor


Description: Execute the get command and return a table sequence or a cursor. Syntax: es_get(fd, endpoint, entity,headerexecute get,table sequence,cursor


Description: Execute the post command and return a table sequence or a cursor. Syntax: es_post(fd, endpoint, entity,headexecute post,table sequence,cursor


Description: Query a HBase database and return result as a cursor or a table sequence. Syntax: hbase_scan(client,tableNaquery,hbase database,cursor,table sequence