Description: List the fragmentation information of a specified table with cursors. Syntax: ifx_cursor(ifxconn, sql; k1:kcursor, fragmentation information
Description: Return records in a Consumer topic as a table sequence. Syntax: kafka_poll (fd, timeout,[partition1, partitget records,table sequence,cursor
Description: Return the list of table-valued result set as a cursor. Syntax: sap_ cursor (client,functionName,tableName)cursor, get, result set list
Here’s how to use skip() function.cursor,skip
Description: Query a Spark database, and return the result as a cursor. Syntax: spark_cursor(con,sql) Note: This externaquery,spark database,cursor
Description: Perform cross join over table sequences represented by cursors and return a multicursor. Syntax: xjoinx(csimultiple,cursor,cross join