esProc offers the following functions that return data type information. Ø “”,$[] String Ø ‘’ Variable name Ø 0x12 Hefunction, convert
esProc offers a series of operators and related functions to perform general computations. Ø ${ } Macro Ø % Generatefunction, basic operations
esProc provides the following mathematical functions that return mathematical values. Ø abs() Return the absolute valufunction, mathematical operations
esProc offers date/time functions that return date, time and datetime values. Ø A.range() Divide a sequence into multfunction,year,month,day,quater
esProc offers system- & interface-related functions that handle system and interface information and operations. Ø arfunction,jdbc
esProc offers cluster computing functions that handle cluster computations. Ø callx(spl,…;hs;rdfx) Allocate tasks amofunction, node
Description: Register a .dfx/.splx file as a function to be called. Syntax: register(f,spl) Note: The function registersdfx,register,function,call