SELECT TOP n select_list FROM T |
Get top n records |
Get top n records from each group according to order by when the statement contains by keyword and then concatenate result records; do not support union for the time being; default value of n is 1 and get the record containing the smallest/largest value of the specified field from each group according to order by |
SELECT select_list FROM T LIMIT n OFFSET m |
Skip m records to get n records |
SELECT top 10 EmpID,Name,Title,BirthDate ,HireDate,Boss,HomeCity FROM Employee ORDER BY BirthDate
Sort by BIRTHDAY in ascending order and get information of first 10 eldest employees |
SELECT CustomerID,ID,Date,Amount,SellerID FROM ReturnedPmt ORDER BY Amount LIMIT 20 OFFSET 10 |
Sort by Amount in ascending order and get records whose amounts are the lowest from the 20th to the 30th |
SELECT top * FROM ReturnedPmt BY CustomerID order by Amount desc |
Group records by CustomerID, get the record having the largest Amount value and concatenate the eligible records |