integer 相关的搜索结果 共有9个


Description: Return the number of combinations. Syntax: combin(n,k) Note: The number of ways of picking k elements from combinations,integer,number


Description: Count the number of members of a sequence. Syntax: A.count(x)   count(x1,…,xn ) Equivalent to A.count (), wsequence,non-null member,integer


Description: Get the number of days of the year, quarter or month to which the specified date belongs. Syntax: days(datespecified date,year,quarter,month,number of days,integer


Description: Get the hour from a specified datetime. Syntax: hour(datetimeExp) Note: Get the hour from the specified tim specified datetime,hour,integer


Description: On integers, perform bitwise NOT operation to get the logical negation on each bit. Syntax: not(x) Note: Thinteger, bitwise not


Description: Perform bitwise OR operation on integers. Syntax: or(xi,…) or(A) Note: Bitwise OR operation on integers. Thinteger, bitwise or


Description: Perform XOR operation on integers. Syntax: xor(xi,…) xor(A) Note: The function performs XOR operation on ininteger, xor operation

Hexadecimal long integer

Description: Hexadecimal long integer. Syntax: 0x12 Note: Integers that start with “0x” are the hexadecimal long integerhexadecimal, “0x”,integer


Description: Perform Mod operation on two integers or real numbers; the result can be long integers and real numbers.   integer, mod operation, get integer part