This item is used to delete a selected cluster server management service. Select a stopped cluster server management serdelete
Delete the contents of a selected cell.delete, contents
Delete contents, cell values, and cell prompts of selected cells. delete,contents, all cells
Delete the current execution environment of the program cellset and reset computing environment such as updating the datdelete, currentexecution environment, reset computing environment
Here’s how to use delete() function.delete
Like handling normal table sequences, we can add, modify or delete records to/in/from a composite table’s entity table. physical table,maintenance,update,delete
Description: Execute a calculation on data in a DynamoDB table. Syntax: dynadb.execute(sql) dynadb.execute (A,sql) Note:operation,dynamodb,insert,delete
Description: Create or delete a Dynamodb table. Syntax: dynadb.table(tableName,partitonKey,type1,sortKey,type2) dynadb.tcreate,delete,dynamodb
Description: Delete data in InfluxDB2. Syntax: influx2_delete(hd,beginTime,endTime,deleteStatement,bucket,organization) delete,influxdb2
Here’s how to use movefile() function.file,move,delete,rename