Description: Dynamically parse and compute the expression. Syntax: eval(StringExp ,{argExp}) Note: The function parses tdynamically parse,compute,expression
Description: Find the maximum value among members of a sequence. Syntax: A.max(x) max(x1,…,xn) Equivalent to A.max(), compute,maximum value
Description: Compute expressions against a record and return result of the last one. Syntax: r.(x,…) Note: The function record,compute,expression
Description: Compute a report/report group file. Syntax: report_run(rpt, paramValue:paramName,....) Note: This external compute, report
Description: Compute a ReportLite(group) file. Sytnax: reportlite_run(rpt, paramValue: paramName,....; ds: dsName,....) compute, reportlite file
Description: Compute the sum of members of a sequence. Syntax: A.sum(x) sum(x1,…,xn) Equivalent to A.sum(), where x1,…compute,sequence,sum
Description: Compute the union of sequence-type members in a sequence. Synatax: A.union(x) Note: The function gets uniocompute, sequence-type member,union
Description: Compute a series of expressions one by one in an automatic fashion, and return the result of the last expre a series of expressions,compute