string 相关的搜索结果 共有19个


Here’s how to use split() function.string,delimiter,sequence


Description: Find a substring and return the string after the substring. Syntax: substr(s1,s2) Note: The function finds string,substring


Description: Remove the blank characters from both ends of a string. Syntax: trim(s) Note: The function removes the blanremove,string,blank characters


Description: Convert all characters in a string to upper case. Syntax: upper(s) Note: The function converts all charactestring,convert,upper case


Here’s how to use words() functions.extract,string,english words


Here’s how to use write() function.string,sequence,file object,binary data


Description: Define a string constant. Syntax: "string" $[string] Note: An expression must be double quoted in use. But string,constant

Opposite Number

Description: Opposite number. Syntax: -a Note: Opposite number. If a is the datetime value or a string, then it can be uvariable name,datetime,string

Escape Character

Description: A character that invokes an alternative interpretation on certain characters in a string. Syntax: \s Note: string,certain characters,escape