sequence 相关的搜索结果 共有34个


Description: Compare two expressions or two sequences. Syntax: cmp(x, y) When comparing two expressions x and y, return compare,expression,sequence


Description: Perform logical OR operation over members of a sequence. Syntax: A.cor(x)   cor(x1,…,xn) Equivalent to A.cosequence,logical or,boolean value


Description: Count the number of members of a sequence. Syntax: A.count(x)   count(x1,…,xn ) Equivalent to A.count (), wsequence,non-null member,integer


Description: Calculate p-value for Fisher’s exact test. Syntax: fisher_p (A, B) Note: The external library function (Seesequence, fisher’s exact test

freq ()

Description: Calculate the frequency of a specified member in a sequence. Syntax: A.freq(o) Note: The external library fsequence, frequency


Description: Count the number of distinct members in a sequence. Syntax: A.icount(x)   icount(x1,…,xn) Equivalent to A.isequence,count,distinct


Description: Find whether an object is a sequence. Syntax: ifa(x) Note: The function finds whether the parameter x is a sequence


Description: Compute x with each member of the sequence and return the first non-null member of the new sequence. Syntaxsequence,first non-null member


Description: Compute intersection of all sequence-type members in a sequence. Syntax: A.isect(x) Note: Members of sequensequence,intersection


Description: Return the least common multiple. Syntax: lcm(xi,…) lcm(A) Note: The function gets the least common multiplleast common multiple,sequence